Monday 21 January 2019

Greatness of Violence

Violence against the human beings is the greatest form of non-violence. We are internally violent and more duration we curb it , the more bigger will be the outburst. We act, eat, sleep, talk, think, etc each and every act of human beings is an act of violence. People who promote non-violence have been the biggest hypocrite and they obstruct the process of evolution. Violence is the truth and non-violence is a lie, that is why, violence always triumphs non-violence, its the victory of good over evil, victory of skill over incompetence. Violence has always provided a better society and has paved the way of progress for humanity. Violence has also reduced the level of hatred among human beings and taught them to co-exist. We can take examples of two leaders, one who is non-violent and another who is totally violent. Let us take the example of Genghis Khan and MK Gandhi.

MK Gandhi was born to an effluent family in British India. MK Gandhi was from a rich family. Genghis Khan belonged to a tribal family, his father was a leader but he died and Genghis Khan was brought up in poverty. Gandhi was send to UK to study, his childhood was full of alcohol and girls experience, while Khan was struggling for food and has even killed his brother for food. Gandhi became a barrister and instead of going to his country, he took assignments in South Africa in assisting Britishers to kill black people whom he detested. Khan was struggling to find his wife who was raped and was pregnant. Genghis got her back and accepted the child as his own child. Gandhi was doing experiments with girls although he was married and was having six children, out of them two died. Genghis united all the warring tribes and then became their leader while Gandhi became the leader of Indians first and then divided the country into two parts , these were the same people who were living together from many centuries. Khan prepared his tribe for glory and Gandhi prepared his people for more slavery of Britishers by ending the civil dis-obedience movement and putting cowardice into the soul of Hindus. All movements which Gandhi has started were not his own original ideas , all the ideas were taken from some previous revolts. Genghis was preparing and training his tribe to be brave, how to care for each other, how to fight, how to live, how to be united as brothers. Gandhi was teaching his people, how to cry, how to become shameless and get beaten by Britishers, while Gandhi was eating and drinking juice in his ashram and his countryman were dying from hunger. Genghis Khan's children were all very good leader while MK Gandhi son Harilal was a pervert rapist and a drunk, who converted himself to Islam and then again reconverted to Hinduism. Genghis Khan's effort made trade between east and west more easier then earlier. Genghis Khan always rewarded the best and meritorious people irrespective of their religion or caste while Gandhi has made the most incompetent person Jawaharlal Nehru as the Prime Minister of India whose bad decisions have made Indians pay in blood every day in the form of Kashmir problem, because of Nehru's policy India lost in war from China and Tibet became slave of China. Gandhi put a disastrous and incompetent person as the PM of India. Gandhi's policy of non-violence has damaged India severely. Gandhi was shot dead by his own people and a very big grave has been made to give him tribute while Genghis died by falling from his horse and nobody knows exactly where his grave is situated.

Gandhi was totally a failed father, failed leader and a failed husband while Genghis was a Great Leader, great father and a very good Husband. Violence is always the better way of solving things, it not only give immediate solution but also sometimes solve it for always while non-violence can be good for individuals maybe but is neither good for leaders nor it is good for countries.